Mashup created a video for Transport For Ireland (TFI) to promote the launch of the Driver Check application.
The app aims to ensure vehicle safety and compliance by verifying registration, confirming the driver's appropriate license, and providing users with a photo of the driver. Integrated into a social media campaign, the video ad effectively communicates the functionality and benefits of the Driver Check app.
EU Farmer
Mashup created videos for Bord Bia, as part of a B2B EU co-funded campaign aimed at raising awareness of the positive attributes of European beef and lamb, while also enhancing trade recognition of the EU's 'Enjoy, it's from Europe' logo.
The video was showcased at events and played before important conferences and talks. Additionally, it was made available online on the EU Beef and Lamb webpage.
SEAI - Biggest Emitters
Mashup Media created a series of animation videos for the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI), aimed at educating viewers about addressing climate change.
Eighty9 - J.J. Darboven
Mashup created a video for J.J. Darboven to promote their Eighty9 coffee, celebrating 30 years since the company's establishment in Ireland. The video emphasizes J.J. Darboven's expertise and dedication to delivering high-quality coffee experiences. Through captivating visuals and compelling storytelling, the video showcases the brand's passion for coffee excellence and its longstanding commitment to Irish consumers. By highlighting J.J. Darboven's reputation as specialists in the coffee industry, the video effectively communicates the brand's legacy and the premium nature of the Eighty9 coffee range.
Class Sizes - INTO
Mashup produced a video for the Irish National Teachers' Organisation (INTO) aimed at raising public awareness about the importance of including plans to reduce class sizes in Ireland for the benefit of children's learning. Through compelling visuals and persuasive messaging, Mashup's video highlights the positive impact of reduced class sizes on student engagement, individualized attention, and overall academic success. By engaging the public in this critical issue, the video advocates for policy changes that prioritize the well-being and educational development of Ireland's youth.
IT Works - Cleanse
Mashup crafted a promotional video for It Works, introducing the product It Works Cleanse across various social media platforms. The video highlights the health benefits of the cleanse, emphasising its effectiveness in promoting wellness and vitality. Leveraging the power of social media platforms, Mashup's video effectively promotes It Works Cleanse, creating awareness and generating excitement among potential customers.
HER Outdoors
Mashup crafted a compelling docu-style video for HER Outdoors, featuring Mel McDermott's inspiring journey of overcoming adversity through her connection with the outdoors. The video intimately captures Mel's personal narrative as she recounts her transformative experience.
Kerry Group - ICT
Mashup created a video for Kerry ICT helping Kerry Group to attract candidates in the fast-paced ICT sector. By showcasing the excitement and opportunities within the field, the video effectively communicated Kerry ICT's culture and career prospects.
In today's competitive IT market, where skilled professionals are sought after, videos offer a dynamic way to present company values and attract top talent. By leveraging the visual medium, Kerry ICT enhanced its recruitment efforts, standing out amidst competitors and appealing to candidates seeking innovative roles and growth opportunities.
Scoutbee drives better business outcomes by giving companies the actionable insights they need to perfect their supply base and advance strategic initiatives, such as risk management, ESG, and innovation.
Mashup helped them to come up with a concept and creation to communicate the services that they provide and the benefits of using their platform.